Image of the great pacific garbage patch

The most famous example of an ocean gyre’s tendency to “take out our trash” is the Great Pacific Garbage patch located within the North Pacific Gyre (shown here). While this is the most infamous garbage patch, it is not the only one in the ocean. Researchers have discovered two more areas where a “soup” of concentrated marine debris collects—one in the South Pacific Ocean, the other in the North Atlantic.Continue Reading

The simple answer: We aim to send nothing to a landfill. We reduce what we need, reuse as much as we can, send little to be recycled, and compost what we cannot. The less simple answer: It’s really about redefining the system. We currently live in a linear economy whereContinue Reading

“The hardest thing in the world is to simplify your life. It’s so easy to make it complex.” – Yvon Chouinard, Founder of Patagonia & Co-Founder of 1% for the Planet 2018 marked another-record breaking year. Deadly wildfires. Intensified hurricanes. Rising sea levels. Warming global temperatures. Droughts. Floods. Famine. Extinction.Continue Reading